I am thrilled to share with you what’s growing now in Zone 6a New England. This kicks off week number 4 of the fabulous and fun garden tour hosted by my friend Beth Billstrom-More Than Oregano. Week 3 featured the wonderful Handy Helen's garden. Pop on over to her page and check it out! The beginning of June is an exciting time filled with backyard strawberry picking, romantic peonies blooming, and planting lots of seeds. If you want to learn more about what I'm growing, click on the pictures and it will direct you to my Plants Map. Some exciting things are happening over at Plants Map since the relaunch. My friends Tracy and Bill Blevins have given the website a slick new design and some great new features. Head on over and take a look! Now for some blooming flowers and maturing veggies. Come take a tour of my garden and enjoy!

In The Veggie Garden

I am so excited that I am beginning to see young tomatoes, sugar snap peas and lots of maturing lettuce. I can't wait to make fresh salads again! It's so nice to be able to snack on fresh strawberries while I work in my garden. What is growing now in your garden? Feel free to comment and share what you are growing. Thank you so much Beth for featuring my garden. Stay tuned for next week and don't forget to share your gardening pictures on twitter using the hashtag #grownow2015. Happy harvesting!
In case you missed it - In The May Garden
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