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A Book Review: Gardening With Chickens

A Book Review Gardening With Chickens

The newly released book, Gardening with Chickens, by Lisa Steele combines my two favorite hobbies. It blends chicken keeping with gardening in an original and purposeful way that will open up your eyes to new possibilities. If you are looking to raise a healthy flock, this book covers gardening for optimal egg production, edibles to avoid planting and herbs to add to nesting boxes.

Gardening With Chickens | angiethefreckledrose.comSpring is right around the corner, so this is the perfect time to start your planning. This book will assist you in finding the perfect spot for your garden. You will also be guided on how to start seeds, and the pages are filled with multiple landscaping ideas. There is a whole section dedicated to gardening in the spring! Just as every poultry lover does, I enjoy watching the chickens nosh on freshly grown micro greens, wheat grass, marigolds and herbs. It's always rewarding to be able to provide your pets with freshly grown plants. One day soon, I would love to have multiple gardens dedicated to chickens, and this is the perfect guide!

Gardening With Chickens | angiethefreckledrose.com


Lisa teaches you how to plant with a purpose and create a sustainable way of living. If you are looking to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle while saving time and cutting down on waste, this is the book for you. It is great for a person like me who is just starting out and looking for a step-by -step guide. Each chapter is filled with information that will take you down the path of becoming more self-reliant and a homesteading expert. 

Gardening With Chickens | angiethefreckledrose.com

A look inside the book

In chapter 2, The Raised Bed & Beyond, Lisa covers the benefits of growing in containers. She dives right into how you can construct your very own raised-bed garden and protect your crops from chickens and weeds. There are plenty of detailed descriptions that will fill you with ideas and plans for more beneficial growing. I enjoyed reading about building your own salad bar for your feathered friends. I've always wanted to give this a try, and this book really gave me the motivation to do so! I love how she talks about adding window boxes. It's such a simple way to add so much beauty to your coop, and keeps the plants off the ground and safe from rabbits and groundhogs. 

Gardening With Chickens | angiethefreckledrose.com

Chicken chunnels: photo featured in Gardening with Chickens

I've always heard of chicken chunnels, which are tunnels for your chickens, but I wasn't sure where to start. These tunnels allow your chickens to roam in a designated area in your garden without harming your crops and also protect them from flying predators. They are very easy to build and can be picked up and moved often to whatever spot you desire. Lisa provides all the information you need to create your own.

Gardening With Chickens | angiethefreckledrose.com

Freshly laid eggs & Lisa's latest books


Lisa runs one of my favorite blogs, Fresh Eggs Daily. Her love of animals really shines through in everything that she writes! She is always sharing new tips and tricks on backyard poultry keeping, as well has helpful gardening advice. In her most recent article, Plant A Nesting Box Herb Garden, she shares some great information from the book! Her blog has recently been named one of Better Homes & Gardens Top Ten Gardening Blogs. Make sure to check it out!

Lisa is a fifth-generation chicken keeper, who currently lives on a small farm in Maine with her chickens, ducks, dogs and a barn cat. She holds a Maine Master Gardener certification and is a regular contributor for Backyard Poultry and many more of my favorite publications. She also frequently appears around the country speaking at events like Mother Earth News and Country Living fairs. Make sure you follow along with her on social media!

Gardening With Chickens | angiethefreckledrose.com

I would definitely recommend Gardening with Chickens to anyone who wants to run their very own healthy and happy household. Maintaining a flock of chickens, as well as your very own gardens, can be a very rewarding experience. Combining the two can take living a sustainable lifestyle to the next level. Even if you don't own any chickens yet, this book can really assist you with setting up an area and landscaping your yard for a future flock. Whatever point you are at on your farming journey, this book is here to keep you motivated and provide you with the ideas you are looking for. I want to give a big thanks to Lisa for inviting me to review her wonderful book! Don't forget to click the button below and get yourself your very own copy. 

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The newly released book, Gardening with Chickens, by Lisa Steele combines my two favorite hobbies. It blends chicken keeping with gardening in an original and purposeful way that will open up your eyes to new possibilities. If you are looking to raise a healthy flock, this book covers gardening for optimal egg production, edibles to avoid planting and herbs to add to nesting boxes.

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Angie's Favorite Things | angiethefreckledrose.com

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  • Reply
    March 5, 2017 at 6:05 pm

    Sounds interesting! Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty . We would love to see you again next week.

  • Reply
    Staci @ A Chick And Her Garden
    March 5, 2017 at 7:43 am

    I love Lisa Steele’s books!! Thank you so much for sharing on the Homesteader Hop!

  • Reply
    March 3, 2017 at 11:49 pm

    Nice to see you Angie…I would love to garden with chickens, but I find my yard is visited by geese and ducks…It sounds like a great book..Michelle

  • Reply
    March 3, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    I LOVE and have her first book, FRESH EGGS DAILY so I am sure I would love this one. Thank you for sharing this with our readers at the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! Your pictures are so pretty too 🙂

  • Reply
    March 2, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    What a great book. We used to have chickens and we loved them. They do eat the bugs! Thanks for linking to the This Is How We Roll Link party. See you next week.

  • Reply
    March 1, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    I’ve always wanted chickens, but we live in a gated community that doesn’t allow them. Those chicken tunnels look like they would be fun to set up. Thanks for joining the Family Joy Link Party!

  • Reply
    Leslie Hernandez
    March 1, 2017 at 10:19 am

    Pretty interesting book, I love gardens and plants I don’t know about having chickens though. Don’t get me wrong I love animals but the only pets I would like its a puppy. I would love to have a home with a beautiful garden someday. You just became my go to person for plants and home gardens questions.

    Great Post!! xoxo

  • Reply
    Casa Mariposa
    February 28, 2017 at 8:36 pm

    Waaahh!!! I want chickens!!

  • Reply
    Chelsea Damon
    February 28, 2017 at 9:18 am

    My mom would love this! I grew up with chickens around the house and they still have them.

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