[dropcap]B[/dropcap]ack in April of 2014, two goslings named Phoebe and Finn entered my life. They were peeping bundles of joy filled with energy and ready to take on the world. I didn't know it at the time, but that day, my life changed for the better. I imprinted on them, and as time went on, the attachment only grew. They have given me unconditional love, days full of adventure and most of all, a better sense of the world around me. Raising any animal is truly a rewarding experience. Geese are the guard dogs of the farm. They will teach you how to have patience and laugh at the silliest little things. You can read more about the beginning of their adventure here.

I have been invited to participate in the book launch and giveaway of The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese by Kirsten Lie-Nielsen sponsored by the Homestead Bloggers Network. YOU could be the lucky winner of a prize package worth $200 featuring this helpful new book. Also included in the package are the supplies you need to care for your feathered friends. You even get eight baby geese! Continue reading to learn how to enter!
While chickens preen in the spotlight, geese are the historic unsung heroes of small farms and homesteads. Providing weed control, large eggs, entertainment and acting as "security" over other animals, geese are the ultimate modern homesteading companion.
The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese covers everything you need to know to raise geese including:
• Profiles of breeds and how to select the best one for your needs
• How to "imprint" goslings on a person
• Feeding, housing, animal health, and cold weather care
• Using geese for weed control, soil improvement, and as "watch-geese"
• Cooking with goose eggs and meat
Additional coverage includes a look at the rich history of geese on farms in North America and Europe that will enhance any goose keeper's enjoyment of these intelligent and unique birds. This practical guide is a must-have essential for the kitchen table of homesteaders, small farmers, permaculturists, and professional farmers looking to add the power of geese to their land.


Kirsten Lie-Nielsen grew up on a farm and has been raising geese and enjoying the quirky personalities and practicality of these beautiful birds for most of her life. Always intrigued by self-sufficiency and working with her hands, Kirsten and her partner are restoring a 200-year old farm in Liberty, Maine, where they raise animals and grow vegetables and native medicinal herbs. She blogs about the good life at Hostile Valley Living. There, she shares super helpful posts like Questions Before You Get Geese and Preparing the Coop for Winter. Kirsten also writes about her experiences and the lessons from life on the farm for publications such as Grit Magazine, Mother Earth News, Backyard Poultry and Hobbyfarms.com.
Enter today and you could win a keeping geese prize package valued at over $200!! You will win...
• One copy of The Modern Homesteader’s Guide to Keeping Geese by Kirsten Lie-Nielsen (retail value $19.99) - This 144 page book covers everything you need to know to raise geese.
• Eight White Chinese Geese from Hoover’s Hatchery* (retail value $91.20) - Chinese geese are a classic, smaller breed known for their excellent forager and alert behavior.
• One Cozy Coop Heating Tile (retail value $69.99) Flat-panel poultry coop heater keeps birds warm and prevents frostbite during cold months using both radiant & convection heat.
•One $20 Gift Card to Tractor Supply or Atwoods for starter feed - winner’s choice!
* Hoover’s Hatchery will work directly with the winner to coordinate a ship date of goslings (baby geese) best for your regional area and climate. As with all live animal shipments, some losses may occur. Homestead Bloggers Network is not responsible for any delays in shipping due to weather or unforeseen incidents. If the selected winner is not able to safely house eight geese, a new, secondary winner may be selected for the live animal portion of the giveaway only - solely at the winner’s discretion and preference.
This giveaway is scheduled to run November 25, 2017 starting at midnight - December 9, 2017 ending at 11:59pm (PT) Thank you for entering and good luck! Make sure to check back to see if you are the winner!

I want to thank the amazing Homestead Bloggers Network & Kirsten of The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese for inviting me to be a part of this grandiose goose-filled giveaway! If you are a homesteader who has been seriously considering keeping geese, now is the perfect time. You will be receiving everything you need including the perfect educational guide. Now that I have cared for them, I couldn't imagine a life without these wonderful waterfowl.
December 22, 2017 at 1:36 amWho won your giveaway??
December 12, 2017 at 12:59 amMy mother is now telling me and my friends
which might help them that includes A Book Review & Giveaway:
The Modern Homesteader’s Guide to Keeping Geese .
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of the week. About the veracity – I’ve little idea how it’s!
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