So here we have the final harvest of the season. Having a vegetable garden to care for while the world seemingly fell apart around us, really kept me sane. Gardening was the true definition of therapy this year.
My last big harvest was October 15, 2020. (I'm in zone 6a New England)
2020 Garden Review

Praying Mantis 'Stagmomantis carolina'

The last official cucumber harvest 'Cucumis sativus Spacemaster'
Finishing Off Strong
The end of the season came a little earlier than expected. It went from a 60 degree day to 20 degrees with snow in under 24 hours. Then, the weather went right back up to 60 as if nothing had happened.

It was 60 degrees the day before this happened.
Of course, once frost hits, that's game over. Right before the frost hit, everything looked spectacular.
The peppers were producing, the cherry tomatoes were still going and the herbs were giant sized! The Pineapple Sage was around 5 ft tall and loaded with red blooms.

Pineapple Sage 'Salvia elegans'
I was really impressed with how well everything did this year. There were only a couple of big losses, but that's to be expected. Most crops exceeded my expectations.

King of the North peppers producing right up until frost
I feel like this year's garden deserves a special shout out for helping my mental sanity. With that being said, it's time to give out some awards to my top performers!
Top Three Vines
3. Black-Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan vine 'Thunbergia alata'
I ordered two pea trellises from Gardener's Supply early in the season. Since they came late and this year was terrible for peas, I ended up growing some pole beans and Black-eyed Susan vines instead.
I harvested my beans and then decided to let my flower vines take over the trellis. They did such an amazing job and I absolutely loved it!
When you become a gardener, you'll make plans at the beginning of the season. But, nothing ever goes as planned! I've learned to just go with the flow over the years, and it usually ends up turning out better than you originally expected!

Photo taken on October 14, 2020
2. Cardinal Climber

Cardinal Climber 'Ipomoea sloteri'
I cannot say enough good things about the Cardinal Climbing vine. It has been my absolute favorite for years.
The hummingbirds go absolutely nuts for it, and once it starts growing, it takes off so quickly! The foliage is super unique and the blooms are vibrant with a tropical flare.
I briefly discussed about growing this vine in my post The September Garden.
Fun Fact: The Cardinal Climber vine is actually a hybrid. It is a cross between a red morning glory and a cypress vine.

Still blooming on October 20, 2020
1. Moonflower

Moonflower 'Ipomoea alba'
This can be a tricky flower to grow here in Massachusetts. Our season is very short, so my trick is starting the seed early indoors.
You can plant the seed directly into soil once the chance of frost has passed. Although, I find when I do this, the seeds don't have enough time to mature before frost hits. It can take a few months before these flowers hit their prime.
During the months of June and July, the foliage looks absolutely amazing, but I usually don't get a flower or bloom until August. You need lots of patience for this one. It's well worth it!
Favorite Edible Vine/Bine

Hops 'Humulus lupulus'
I was at one of my favorite garden centers searching through the greenhouse that was full of tomato plants. I was thinking of getting two hanging baskets filled with tomato plants. I've always wanted to try growing them like that.
While I was hunting for the perfect baskets. I came across the hops plants. I was completely fascinated. I had always wanted to grow hops, I just didn't really know where to find them or what they required.

Veronica in bloom and some hops foliage
Since the fence around my vegetable garden was finally finished this year, I decided that would be the perfect place for some climbing vines. Turns out I was right. They did very well for their first year of growth.
The common hop vine/bine is a perennial and can take up to 3 years to fully mature.

A hops blossom
Favorite Annual Flower

Snapdragon 'Antirrhinum majus'
Favorite Perennial Flower
Rose 'Julia Child'

The Julia Child roses took on a beautiful pink blush at the end of the season
Top Three Garden Critters
3. Garden Toad

Fowler's toad 'Anaxyrus fowleri'
This little dude took up residence in my veggie garden this year. I'd see him hopping in and out of my raised beds.
He would hide under the Nasturtiums on hot days, chill inside a muddy pot when it rained and he loved the toad abode. I also turned some terracotta pots on their sides for him to hide in. I mentioned him in my post The August Garden. I grew very attached to him!
I sacrificed some of my geraniums I had grown from seed since he took a liking to them. Below you can see him relaxing in his own personal pool. I also let him enjoy my purple sweet potato vine. The leaves provided him good coverage and safety.
2. Praying Mantis

My little helper
I absolutely adored having these guys around this year. One took up residence on the cucamelon trellis, another in the lemon cucumbers. Some seemed to like the bean tower that fell over. Others and the cosmo flower foliage. I even had a lady mantis who liked my greenhouse.
I started to notice them beginning to leave at the beginning of October. Then, I noticed my greenhouse lady left an egg sack on some ornamental grass by the greenhouse. Even though she is no longer with us, her ootheca remains.

Mantis hiding in the cosmo foliage
I found solace hanging out in my greenhouse at night. One night, she came over to investigate me. I think I passed the test.
1. Dot (My Buff Orpington Chicken)

This is Dot on October 14, 2020 helping me pick cucamelons
Dot, along with 4 White Sultan chicks arrived in my life on April 8, 2020. They came during quarantine and really helped me focus on something positive, raising chickens.
Dot is full of personality! When she was still a baby chick, she would greet me every morning by jumping up on top of my head. She loves attention and demands cuddles.
She likes spending time in the vegetable garden and is very good at weeding. She also has a love of cucamelons, lemon cucumbers, parsley and lemon balm. Dot actually inspired me to write the post What Can Chickens Eat From My Garden.
Here's a throwback video of a young Dot exploring my garden back in May.
Favorite New Shrub
Everlasting Hydrangea

Hydrangea 'Hydrangea macrophylla'
This young hydrangea really impressed me right at the end of the season. I didn't expect it to bloom this year!
Best Cut Flower
Pooh Swan Island Dahlia

'Dahlia collarette'
A dahlia inspired by Winnie The Pooh? Count me in! This anemone variety really does hold up well as a cut flower!
Prettiest Veggie
Dragon Tongue Bean
Bush Bean 'Phaseolus vulgaris'
I loved growing Dragon Tongue beans this season. This bush variety produced large 7" pods that were mesmerizing.
First Successful Year Growing...

Carrots 'D. carota sp. sativus'
This was my first real successful year growing carrots. The difference? Completely ignoring them! I didn't check on them 24/7 and waited until the end of the season. It worked!

A few really cool looking oddballs
Most Unique Frost Tolerant Veggie
Strawberry Spinach

Strawberry Spinach 'Chenopodium capitatum'
I don't make any natural dyes, but if I did, this would be my top choice! The color of these berries transfers very easily and is super vibrant! This was my first year growing this kind of spinach, and I absolutely loved it. The flavor was excellent and the berries were really fun.
and that's a wrap on the 2020 garden!
It was hard not to feel uneasy and unsteady during many different points this year. I'm so very thankful for my vegetable garden.
It kept me grounded. It kept me balanced. Most importantly, it kept me sane.
Focusing on growing something tangible kept me positive and optimistic. A safe haven that is a garden silences the outside world and surrounds you with a feeling of peace. My hope is that things change for the better and that 2021 holds a future filled with brighter days.
As always, thank you for reading!
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December 4, 2020 at 2:21 pmWhat a beautiful garden. I love gardening too and yours is really wonderful. The low temps the other night killed my tomato plant that I covered. Oh well. Onto the next season
December 4, 2020 at 1:49 pmLooks like you’ve got a lot of great items in the garden. Even the critters are amazing! I’m really loving all the flowers. They are so beautiful.
Terri A Steffes
December 4, 2020 at 11:07 amWe finished strong too. Lots of butternut squash and green peppers. Yummy!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
December 4, 2020 at 10:31 amWhat an awesome garden! I would absolutely love to have my own garden next year.
Ruth I
December 4, 2020 at 9:02 amOh my these are amazing. They’re so fresh and healthy. I’d Love to visit your lovely farm and maybe learn some knowledge how to handle an amazing farm like yours.
December 3, 2020 at 10:50 pmI would love to have a nice garden, but we don’t have a sunny patch. So I enjoy gardening vicariously through you and other bloggers. I really loved seeing all your garden photos and reading about it! I need to get some moonflower seeds for next year.
Monica Simpson
December 3, 2020 at 10:47 pmYour garden is incredible! It looked beautiful even with snow on it. Love all the little critters too. Also, cucamelon? Sounds so cool!
December 3, 2020 at 8:51 pmAmazing!! Pineapple sage sounds delicious! I just got into growing things this spring/summer. This coming year I am going to do more!!
December 3, 2020 at 7:01 pmYour garden is so beautiful! And the wildlife you’ve attracted is so cute. Very inspiring!
Sarah Bailey
December 3, 2020 at 6:44 pmOh my goodness your garden is beautiful I love how much produce you have had from it as well!
Pam Wattenbarger
December 3, 2020 at 6:19 pmYour garden is lovely! Moonflowers are one of my favorite to grow but I didn’t have much luck with them this year.
Amber Myers
December 3, 2020 at 5:20 pmI am impressed. I wish I could grow stuff but alas, I have a black thumb. My mom grows stuff really well!
December 3, 2020 at 3:54 pmYou have such a great variety of stuff! How much land do you have? I love that dahlia!
melissa chapman
December 3, 2020 at 3:31 pmThose flowers and vegetables look so fresh and the grounds are so nice to live by. I would love to have a vegetable patch and eat cucumbers and peppers like yours.
Damaris Russell
December 3, 2020 at 3:01 pmThat looks so beautiful 😻 I sadly have not managed to do much to my allotment this year. You’ve done amazing!