A little tour of what's growing now in my backyard garden.
"Focus on the positive."

Photos taken on June 16
It's so easy for me to look at the pictures above and tell you everything that's wrong. I'm trying really hard to go outside everyday and focus on something good, something that's growing and flowers that are blooming.
It can be a challenge sometimes.
Gardens are constantly changing.

Tomato 'Tasmanian Chocolate'
All of my tomatoes are finally planted in the raised beds, containers and hanging basket. They all made it through the unusual cold snap we had.
I was dealing with some unsightly purple leaves and a few stressed tomatoes. With a little bit of trimming and some extra love, they bouced back!
Micro Tomatoes in hanging baskets

Micro Tomato 'Orange Hat'
This is my first year growing micro tomatoes in hanging baskets and small pots. They are doing really great!
I made sure to use premium potting mix with perlite and other helpful ingredients like peat moss.

Cascading cherry tomato 'Tumbling Tom Yellow'
I also added worm castings and made sure to feed a week after planting. Since then, I've also added some magnesium (epsom salt) and cow manure from a local farm.

Micro cherry tomato 'Micro Tom'
Harvesting the first cherry tomato of the season.

In this tomato bed: tomato 'Husky Cherry Red', onion chives, sweet basil and French marigolds
Roses on the garden gate

Climbing rose 'Golden Showers'
I've been dealing with two major problems this year with my roses.
Number 1 - aphids. Those little suckers drive me crazy. I released ladybugs as a natural method to control these pests.
Number 2 - sawfly. Ugh, these bugs do major cosmetic damage to the leaves of the plants. I've been trimming back any areas that are affected.

I thought this imperfect bloom was pretty and unique.
The arbor isn't in bloom this week, but the aphids and the sawflies are finally under control.
Can you spot the chicken? (Dot says hello!)

Common sage in full bloom

This was a total surprise! Usually my pineapple sage doesn't start blooming until late September/early October. I'm all for an early flower!

Basil 'Boxwood'

Harvesting Chocolate mint to dry

Thyme 'Foxley'

I was so excited to find some unique herbs like the thyme shown above and Oregano 'Kent Beauty' at my local Weston Nurseries.

Dot stepping on my oregano, messing up the soil in my tomato bed, living her best life.

You can call me a dealer of sorts. One of my many neighborhood clients stopping by for some catnip.
Tiny pond
I absolutely love water gardens. Floating plants, snails and water lilies make me so happy.
I put this together on a rainy day and started out with just the bucket and a water lily plant.
Then, I added some giant floating duckweed, red rotala, a water hyacinth (that came with some pond snails), driftwood and some fancy grasses.
The picture above was taken one week in!

Water hyacinth blooming
Maximizing space with containers
I have many different flowers and herbs growing in containers.
They include Tuscan blue rosemary, pineapple sage, rue, parsley, basil, lantana, daisies, dahlias, nasturtiums, scabiosa, poppies and many more.

Chenille plant also known as the pink catarpillar plant

Proven Winners Lantana 'Luscious Citrus Blend'

The strawberry pot

Leaf lettuce 'Red Sails' growing in the GreenStalk Garden

Throwback to Nellie on top of the GreenStalk. Can you believe how big the lettuce has become?

Scabiosa & my one-eyed garden snail

Pincushion scabiosa
I'm trying to utilize every bit of space I have in the veggie garden this year. You can grow so much more in such a little amount of space when you grow vertically. I'm really enjoying all of the extra flowers and herbs.

Proven Winners bacopa 'Snowstorm Giant Snowflake', calibrachoa 'Superbells Coral Sun' Umbrella Grass 'Baby Tut' and some micro toms

Rosemary 'Tuscan Blue'
Other edibles

Amaranth 'Velvet Curtains'

The giant Titan Pea Tunnel covered in Magnolia Blossom and Sugar Magnolia Peas
The pea tunnel is doing exceptionally well right now. Last year was a major fail with peas, so this is very encouraging!

Throwback to May 24
The chipmunks and squirrels wouldn't leave my small seedlings alone last year. That, combined with some bad weather, made for a sad amount of plants that actually made it to June.
This year, the critters have moved on to my corn and squash, making it nearly impossible for me to grow any seedlings without some sort of disruption. I'm used to it though, and I'm making the best of what I have.
Every year there is a stand out crop and a crop that doesn't do so well.
I'm working on focusing my sights on what IS growing and not what ISN'T growing.

2017 AAS Edible-Vegetable Winner Seychelles pole bean seedlings emerging. This is my second year growing this amazing variety.

Loving my new metal tomato sign by Rusty Birds Shop on Etsy

Here is my new custom Tomato Alley sign from Blacknot Farm on Etsy

Cucumber 'Bush Slicer' seedlings

Celery 'Chinese Pink'

Red cabbage, kale and thyme
I'm using the thyme in this bed as a companion plant to repell cabbage worms. So far, it's working great!

Kale 'Lacinato'

Arugula 'Rocket', lettuce and dill

Bean planting day. I love growing Scarlet runner beans every year, so I figured I'd switch it up and try these Sunset runner beans.

Spinach 'Strawberry'

Strawberry spinach is such a unique plant to grow
Perennial flower garden

The perennial garden that surrounds the front of my fence includes mock orange, lavender, roses, lilacs, butterfly weed, marguirite daisies, cat mint, chives, heliantus, yarrow, coreopsis, hops, clematis, Russian sage and more.

English lavender 'Vincenza Blue'

Proven Winners rose 'Oso Easy Double Red'

Marguerite daisies and yarrow

Clematis 'Jackmanii'
So that's whats growing in my backyard garden this June. How's your garden doing? What's blooming in your yard right now? Let me know in the comment section below. Happy gardening!
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Everything Enchanting
July 12, 2021 at 7:52 pmYou have such a beautiful garden 😍 Love those cherry tomatoes, so cute 👌🏻
July 11, 2021 at 8:59 amYour garden is so pretty. I love it. I don’t have a vegetable garden, only a flower garden. I’d love to have a herb garden someday.
July 11, 2021 at 5:54 amI love growing vegetables, but I don’t have the right place! My parents have a beautiful garden and I always admire it!
Kita Bryant
July 10, 2021 at 9:49 pmYou garden is looking so healthy! I would love to do something like this when I have the time.
Jasmine Hewitt
July 10, 2021 at 5:07 pmyou have a lovely garden. i lack such a green thumb!
Ivan M. Jose
July 10, 2021 at 12:14 pmYour garden is so beautiful! I think your plants are doing quite well. I know it’s a lot of hard work but in the end it’s very rewarding.
July 10, 2021 at 11:04 amI’ve never heard of micro tomatoes! Your garden is gorgeous.
July 10, 2021 at 5:04 amYour garden is very beautiful and diverse. You are doing very well
Scarlett Brooklyn
July 10, 2021 at 12:29 amYour garden makes me jealous, huhu, it priceless being able to cook dishes with veggies that you just harvested in your back yard.
Richelle Escat
July 10, 2021 at 12:25 amYour garden is so awesome, I wish I could have mine arrange like this.
July 9, 2021 at 9:15 pmThis is an amazing garden. I would love to start a garden like this. Right now my family just uses a veggie trug. We love them though because we have chickens who tend to get in our garden.
Tara Pittman
July 9, 2021 at 7:48 pmSuch a nice garden. I love that your pineapple sage is blooming. My pineapple sage is not growing that wel.
Pastor Natalie
July 9, 2021 at 6:49 pmSuch a sweet article regarding the garden. I felt as though I walked through the garden with you. My father is good at growing so much love n his garden too. I especially love his tomatoes this time of year. Thank you for sharing.
Terri Steffes
July 9, 2021 at 6:15 pmI love seeing what is growing in your part of the world. Our tomatoes are slow coming on this year. We have had so much rain!