As I sit here with my notebooks, seed packets and plant catalogs scattered all around me, I can't help but reminisce about last year's garden. It was my first year fully utilizing my unheated greenhouse.
This extra space allowed me to start mostly everything from seed. It took lots of planning, scheduling and time. It was definitely worth it, and I'm so glad I put in all that extra work. I was able to enjoy so many homegrown plants.
Starting New Varieties From Seed
I grew so many different vines from seed last year. From sweet peas started in February to Love in a Puff started in March, and everything in between. It was a record breaking year for me when it came to the number of varieties I grew.
I tried to pin point an exact number including all the different tropical, perennial and annuals plants. There were so many, so I'm just sticking with - it was a very large amount.

Sweet Pea 'America'

Butterfly Pea 'Blue Queen'

Exotic Love Vine

Hops 'Nugget'

Hyacinth Bean 'Ruby Moon'

Asarina 'Snowwhite'

Black-eyed Susan Vine 'Sunny Susy Rose Sensation'

Love In A Puff
I'm going to set my sights on three new varieties this year. First up is Canary Bird Flower (Tropaeolum peregrinum). I tried my hand at growing some last year, but none of my seeds germinated. This vine features yellow flowers that resemble bird's wings in flight. It grows to be around 8 to 12 feet tall.
I also have my eye on the Mexican Flame Vine 'Sao Paulo' (Senecio confusus). This 6 to 10 foot trailing vine boasts vivid daisy like red blooms. It attracts pollinators and can also be grown in hanging baskets.
I never got around to plant my Morning Glory 'Mura Kumo' (Ipomoea Nil) seeds last year. This vine produces dark purple blooms have streaks of white. It is absolutely stunning!

Sunflower 'Arikara'
Annual Flowers
Sunflowers: I really enjoyed growing sunflowers last season. I left most of the flower stalks up throughout the winter. The birds are still using them as perches while foraging in my yard! This year, I want to try growing Red Sun, Shock-O-Lat, and Buttercream (All varieties - Helianthus annuus).

Sunflower Grown From A Mix

Sunflower 'Maximilian'

Ivy Geranium 'Mini Casacade Pink'
Geraniums: Geraniums make such great companion plants, and I absolutely love the brightly colored blooms. I want to try growing Maverick Appleblossom (Pelargonium x hortorum), Multibloom Red (Pelargonium x hortorum) and the Tornado Mix (Pelargonium peltatum).

Geranium 'Vision Light Pink'

Geranium 'Georgia Peach'

Lion's Ear
Flowering Herbs: There is nothing that makes my heart happier than seeing the wildlife in my yard enjoying all the flowers. Medicinal herbs seem to attract the most pollinators, birds and critters to the garden.

Lion's Ear is also known as Klip Dagga
The Lion's Ear I grew last year was such a hit with all of the wild birds, hummingbirds and even the butterflies. I can't wait to grow it again. It grew to be about 10 feet tall!

Garlic Chives

Calendula 'Alpha'
This year, I'd like to add some Bee Balm 'Lemon' (Monarda citriodora), Feverfew 'Golden Ball' (Chrysanthemum Parthenium), and some Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua).

Wild Bergamot

Cucamelons - Tested and Approved By The Flock
When it comes to veggies, I still want to grow my tried and true favorites. This includes cucamelons, green beans and jalapeño peppers.
I also want to add some new varieties like popping corn 'Mini Pink Pearls' (Zea mays), hanging basket snap peas 'Snack Hero' (Pisum sativum) and the mini tomato 'Spoon' (Solanum pimpinellifolium).

Cherry Tomatoes 'Jasper'

Broccoli 'Bellstar' At The End Of The Season

Romaine Lettuce 'Salvius'
That's everything that's been on my mind lately. I'm going to start seeds this year, but not fully rely on seeds. I'll be picking up starter plants locally and from my favorite online stores.
I now have a mini heater for my greenhouse, so I'm going to try starting seeds directly in the greenhouse as opposed to my indoor seed starting area.
That should be exciting! I'm eager to see how that goes and if it makes a big differences.
I'm also going to add more water features, more bird houses and more feeding areas.
I'll be ordering more mason bees this spring, and I might even try leaf cutter bees this summer! I can't wait to add more aquatic plants to my container pond.
I'm mostly just excited sit outside and drink my coffee in the garden again.
What are you planning on planting in your garden? Are you going to try growing anything new? Tell me about it in the comment section below. The warmer weather is almost here. I can't wait for spring to finally arrive. As always, happy gardening!
March 14, 2023 at 6:20 amI love black eyed susan’s! They are always a beautiful but small addition to any garden. My grandmother calls them something else though. I’ll have to check with her!
Ntensibe Edgar
March 14, 2023 at 5:10 amHhhhmmm…I plan on growing some maize and tomatoes for my home use. The times we have ahead of us just might turn out much harder than before.
Christy Garrett
March 13, 2023 at 11:47 pmI wish that I was allowed to plant a garden. Home grown veggies always taste better. I am allowed to plant a flower garden but I don’t know where I was to put it yet.
March 13, 2023 at 9:36 pmSo many gorgeous flowers! I wish I had a greenhouse to work with. It’s a dream of mine for the future when we hopefully have some land and space for it.
Whitney Stewart
March 13, 2023 at 8:28 pmHad to come back for a second look. Mostly to gaze Andy the stunning photos though! Thanks so much for sharing again!
Whitney Stewart
March 13, 2023 at 8:08 pmNow that the weather is warming up, I’m very much looking forward to seeing all the different blooms that blanket the flowerbeds! Your post makes me that much more excited! Love the photos too!
March 13, 2023 at 7:27 pmSo many beautiful flowers! We are prepping our garden right now. I’m hoping we can plant fruit trees and veggies first and then we’ll work on the flowers.
March 13, 2023 at 6:55 pmI am so excited for spring. I love gardening! I love to have a garden full of fruits and veggies as well as have flowers too.
Lori Bosworth
March 13, 2023 at 6:39 pmI can’t wait for gardening season to begin! I would love to have my own greenhouse! That would give me so many more options!
Bryan Carey
March 13, 2023 at 5:45 pmA lush, colorful garden, even if it’s small, makes any backyard look and feel better. I have flowers in my yard, but no veggies or other food. I live in a warm climate and have thought about adding an orange. This is the time to do it.
Stephanie Grillo
March 13, 2023 at 4:13 pmBeautiful garden photos. I am not much of a gardener but I would enjoy trying sunflowers this year!
Amber Myers
March 13, 2023 at 3:46 pmI love all of these flowers. I so wish I could grow things but I have a black thumb. I admire other people’s gardens though!
Beth Pierce
March 13, 2023 at 2:34 pmI’ve been after my husband to put in some new beds for me, and this really got me excited for it. He’s got some work to do!
Fransic verso
March 13, 2023 at 2:12 pmThese are lovely flowers, I don’t have a garden yet but would love to keep this just in case. Thank you for sharing!
Melissa from Stunning Jade
March 13, 2023 at 1:53 pmWow! I wish I had gardening skills like that. I am looking forward to the warmer weather too.